Saturday, May 12, 2007

An Assortment for Your Perusal

Patriot Post has a page with a modern language update of The Federalist Papers. I haven't started reading it yet, but it sounds informative and has information about the original authors of The Federalist Papers. I subscribe to the Patriot Post newsletter (it's free!), but you can also read the newsletter on their site from this page under "Edition Archives". It's a very good newsletter with lots of information and commentary. There are a number of sections listed down the left side of the main page, so you'll find a lot of material there.

There is a website called Reagan 2020 about President Ronald Reagan. It has a biography, texts of speeches, and much more. Quite comprehensive.

For a focus on women and family values, there is the Concerned Women for America website. It features links to news items and commentary about women and family issues of today. Ladies Against Feminism also has links to news items and articles in a similar vein. It's recommended that you read this page first on the latter site to get a better idea of their purpose.

Phyllis Schlafly has a website at Eagle Forum. She has also started a wiki Conservapedia here, as a part of the Eagle Forum University. Lots of interesting information there, as well.

There are, of course, many other sites out there that can give you news and information you can't get from the Mainstream Media (MSM). However, just like the MSM, you do need to use common sense and confirm facts from another source. Bear in mind that the MSM is biased to the Left/Liberal agenda--it isn't any more dependable than anything else these days. The sites I refer to above and have linked on my sidebar lean toward the Right/Conservative agenda--they aren't inaccurate just because of that. In fact, they emphasize truth. I think it is important for people to have access to other sources than the MSM so that they can think for themselves about the issues of the day.

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